Dynamic Talks Gdansk | Data Sanitization & Frontend Accessibility [ENG]

Dynamic Talks Gdansk | Data Sanitization & Frontend Accessibility [ENG]

Join us for an insightful evening of tech talks in our Gdansk office. Our two expert speakers will share their knowledge on topics related to web development, security, and accessibility.

Date & Time: May 18th 2023, 6:30 pm CEST
Location: Grid Dynamics office in Gdansk + online

Aleksander Rediger, a UI Engineer at Grid Dynamics, with the topic: Data Sanitization in web application. Why and how?

  • the importance of data sanitization in web applications;
  • the reasons why it’s crucial;
  • how to implement it effectively.

 Maksym Pidobid, a Frontend Developer at Grid Dynamics, with the topic: Accessibility at Frontend

  • explaining why it’s essential
  • how to create websites that are accessible to everyone.

The event will be held both offline and online, and participation is free. However, Registration is required.


The event will be held in English.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Event Marketing Manager at Grid Dynamics
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