Software Engineer Kraków salaries

Are you looking for quick information about salaries in Poland for Software Engineer and Developer positions? Our salary calculator will provide you with up-to-date salary information for Junior, Middle and Senior positions in the software industry. Start making informed decisions about your career as a developer today!

* Sep 28

can you add sorting on salaries?


* Sep 25

For Mobile there is no choose for Android or iOS


* Sep 25

In the technology section, we have:


* Sep 22

As Node js dev, I can't choose js/ts languages after selecting backend in Specialization section


* Sep 25

Thank you. We will fix it soon. We have 25 Node.js responses. So a few days, and we'll add it.


* Apr 19

Engineering Manager role is missing. While there is CTO / Software Engineer and Manager (combination of different ones) are there, Engineering Manager is considered a separate role, more commonly in Product companies. Would be nice to add it.

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