Praca w IT od zera. Junior digest, marzec 2024
Rozpoczynasz swoją przygodę w branży IT i szukasz pierwszej pracy, stażu lub możliwości rozwoju? "Praca w IT od zera. Junior digest, marzec 2024" to specjalnie przygotowany zbiór ponad 40 ofert pracy, staży oraz kursów, idealnych dla osób stawiających pierwsze kroki w tej dynamicznie rozwijającej się branży.
Znajdziesz tu propozycje od takich gigantów jak Accenture, Google, GlobalLogic czy Luxoft, które otwierają swoje drzwi dla talentów bez doświadczenia lub z minimalnym stażem pracy.
Niezależnie od tego, czy interesują Cię bezpłatne kursy, praktyczne treningi, czy pierwsza praca w IT, nasz digest to klucz do rozpoczęcia Twojej kariery w technologii. Nie przegap tej unikalnej okazji do zdobycia cennego doświadczenia i wejścia na ścieżkę profesjonalnego rozwoju w IT!
Lokacja: Polska,Warszawa
Poziom stanowiska: Intership
Praktyki w obszarze SAP i SAP SuccessFactors
- Znajomości przynajmniej jednego języka programowania oraz baz danych (SQL, ORACLE, SAS, SAP)
- Umiejętności analitycznego myślenia oraz szukania rozwiązań
- Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego – poziom minimum B2
- Dyspozycyjność minimum 30 godzin tygodniowo
Praktyki w obszarze IT (PHP, JAVA, SQL, C++, PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT)
- Praktycznej wiedzy z przynajmniej jednego języka programowania ( PHP, JAVA, SQL, C++, PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT)
- Kreatywności
- Dbałości o szczegóły
- Umiejetności pracy w zespole
- Bardzo dobrej znajomosci języka angielskiego i polskiego (min. B2)
- Dyspozycyjności w wymiarze minimum 30h/tyg
- Aktywnego statusu studenta
Praktyki w obszarze Strategy & Consulting
- Dyspozycyjności w wymiarze minimum 30 godzin w tygodniu (must have), a w perspektywie 6 miesięcy możliwości pracy w pełnym wymiarze godzinowym
- Posiadania aktywnego statusu studenta
- Komunikatywności i kreatywności
- Zainteresowania w dziedzinie biznesu, nowych technologii, prowadzenia projektów w metodyce agile i scrum
- Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego min. B2
- Chęci do rozwoju w dynamicznym środowisku
- Zaangażowania w realizację powierzonych zadań
- Dobrej znajomości MS Excel
Internship in Management Consulting
- Minimum 2-3 months of experience gained outside the university,
- Interest of business processes and new technologies,
- Willingness to develop in business areas, digital transformation, consulting and technology,
- Good analytical and communication skills. Independency in managing your tasks, proactivity, open mind, assertiveness,
- Commitment and easiness to adopt to new situations,
- Ability to work with the team and under deadlines,
- Fluent English, both written and oral (creation of documentation, daily communication with the team/client),
- Working knowledge of MS Office tools,
- Extracurricular academic activities,
- Active student status and availability min. 30h per week.
Praktyki Data Engineer & Data Analyst
- Aktywnego statusu studenta (must have)
- Dyspozycyjności minimum 30h/tyg. (must have)
- Podstawowej znajomości SQL (must have)
- Biegłej znajomości języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie na poziomie minimum B2 (must have)
- Chęci rozwijania kompetencji w obszarze Big Data / Data Analytics
- Zainteresowania nauką nowych narzędzi oraz technologii chmurowych
- Zaangażowania w realizację powierzonych zadań
Praktyki IT w Accenture Song (Java)
- gotowości do zintensyfikowanej nauki, przełożenia teorii na praktykę
- min. podstawowej znajomości jednego z języków: Javy, Kotlina, Swifta, php, Pythona lub darta(Flutter) oraz programowania obiektowego
- bazowej znajomości wzorców projektowych,
- statusu studenta ostatnich lat studiów takich kierunków jak: informatyka, telekomunikacja, elektronika, matematyka, systemy informacyjne etc.
- dostępności na min. 30 godziny w tygodniu
- umiejętności swobodnej komunikacji w j.angielskim
- wcześniejsze doświadczenia z zakresu Android, IOS, Azure/AWS, Drupal (również akademickie) będą dodatkowym atutem
- Degree or last year in technical subject;
- Very good communication skills in English (written and oral);
- Basic understanding of core network and security components (Routers, Switches, Firewalls);
- Basic understanding and interest in cloud technologies;
- Ability to work analytically within a problem-solving environment;
- Good communication and interpersonal skills;
- Good organizational, multi-tasking and time-management skills;
- Willing to learn new technologies to be up to date with modern network world;
Lokacja: Polska,Warszawa, Kraków
Poziom stanowiska: Intership
Praktykant/Junior Test Automation Developer (DevOps)
- Znajomości systemów: Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Selenium, Java (basics) oraz innych narzędzi do automatyzacji testów i śledzenia postępów prac projektowych.
- Znajomości formatów wymiany danych (XML, JSON).
- Podstawowej znajomości standardów Webservices REST.
- Podstawowej znajomości standardów autoryzacji (oAuth).
- Podstawowej znajomości wzorca projektowego Page Object Pattern.
- Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego i polskiego.
- Aktywnego statusu studenta.
- Dyspozycyjności min. 30 godzin w tygodniu.
- Wysoce rozwiniętych umiejętności interpersonalnych.
- Kreatywności i komunikatywności.
- Chęci do nauki
Praktyki w Konsultingu IT – Salesforce Marketing Cloud
- Znajomości lub doświadczenia w pracy z Salesforce/Salesforce Marketing Cloud (lub innymi systemami klasy CRM).
- Pierwszych doświadczeń w pracy projektowej.
- Bardzo dobrej znajomości SQL i baz danych.
- Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego i polskiego.
- Dla ścieżki deweloperskiej: Znajomości podstaw programowania obiektowego (preferowane języki: JavaScript/Java).
- Dla ścieżki deweloperskiej: Znajomość podstaw programowania w HTML/CSS.
- Posiadania aktywnego statusu studenta.
- Dyspozycyjności od zaraz w wymiarze min. 30 godzin w tygodniu, a w perspektywie 6 miesięcy możliwości pracy w pełnym wymiarze godzinowym.
- Komunikatywności i kreatywności.
- Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności interpersonalnych.
- Chęci do nauki
Lokacja: Polska, Kraków
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
- 1+ years experience in software coding and development, specifically in web technologies and back-end development
- BSc or MSc degree in Computer Science or related technical field or equivalent practical experience
- Proven experience with Java and JavaScript/TypeScript or similar languages
- You care about code quality and continuous refactoring
- Proficiency in English (speaking and writing) as English is our company language
- Eligibility to work in Poland. This is a full time inhouse position (employment contract)
Lokacja: Polska, Kraków
Poziom stanowiska: Trainee
Start: 15.04.2024
Embedded C/C++ Trainee (Automotive Academy)
- Technical curiosity
- Interest in automotive solutions
- Knowledge of programming languages: C, C++
- Good knowledge of English (written and spoken)
- Strong analytical skills
- Communication skills, creativeness and open-mindedness
- Fulfilling commitments and willingness to show initiative
- Availability 5 days a week, 7-8 hours a day
Lokacja: Polska, Wrocław
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
Junior Project Support Specialist with Hebrew language
- Knowledge of Hebrew native and English B2 (written and verbal)
- Good computer literacy in Office tools (especially MS Excel/Google Sheets) applications
- Extensive internet research skills
- Creative problem-solving and analysis skills
- Team player with good interpersonal and solution-oriented attitude
- Excellent interpersonal skills for interacting with/influencing cross-functional teams and gaining consensus
- Experience in detailed analysis reporting using qualitative and quantitative tools
- Good organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking ability
Lokacja: Kraków, Katowice, Gliwice, Wrocław, Łódź
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
Junior Vehicle Software I&T Engineer
- Up to 1 year of commercial experience in testing, integrating, validating software in automotive domain
- Experience with script language for test automation (preferably Python)
- Knowledge of embedded C or C++ programming language
- Good analytical problem-solving skills
- Bachelor’s degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering
- Ability to communicate in English
Lokacja: Polska,Warszawa
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
Cloud Technical Solutions Engineer, Apigee
- Bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, or equivalent practical experience.
- Candidates will typically have 2 years of experience coding in a general purpose coding language (e.g., Java, C, C++, Python, Shell, Go or JavaScript, etc.) or in system design.
- Typically 2 years of experience troubleshooting and advocating for customers' needs, and triaging technical issues (e.g., hardware, software, application, operational, process).
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience with computer hardware and server hardware or troubleshooting/diagnosing.
- Experience with operating systems and networking infrastructures.
- Ability to travel up to 20% of the time internationally.
Software Engineer II, Mobile (Android)
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
- Experience with data structures or algorithms.
Digital Marketing Strategist, Customer Success Acceleration, Alpine (German)
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience in analytics and insight-based solutions with stakeholder Management.
- Ability to communicate in English and German fluently.
Software Engineer II, Mobile (Android), Fitbit
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience with software development in one or more programming languages, or experience with an advanced degree.
- Experience with data structures or algorithms in either an academic or industry setting.
Software Engineer II, Embedded Systems/Firmware, Pixel
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
- 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
- 1 year of experience working with embedded operating systems.
- 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.
Associate Product Marketing Manager, Marketing
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience in marketing, brand management, strategy consulting, marketing agency, technology, or a related field through full time roles, internships, projects, or academic classes.
- Ability to communicate in Polish and English fluently.
Lokacja: Polska,Warszawa, Kraków
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
Software Engineer II, Google Cloud
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
Lokacja: Polska, Kraków
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
- experience in similar role within Project/Program management team
- exceptional work organization skills and methodical planning
- firm knowledge of MS Office, especially MS Excel (pivot tables, vlookups)
- experience with process improvements
- experience in building measures that help make conscious data-driven decisions
- strong analytical skills with high attention to details
- interest in modern software technology and platforms
- basic understanding of Software Development Lifecycle
Lokacja: Polska, Wrocław
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
Junior-regular Security Analyst
- IT support experience with Microsoft tools
- Some experience in the field of IT Security and networking is required, but of a junior nature
- Competent use of Microsoft programs: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, Outlook
Lokacja: Polska, remote
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
Junior Back End MSSQL Software Developer
- Graduate in the IT field of study
- Basic knowledge of MSSQL
- Basic knowledge of SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
- Basic knowledge of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
- Basic knowledge of C# knowledge will be plus (but not very advanced)
- Graduate in the IT field of study
- Need to know .Net
- Basic knowledge of Angular
- Basic knowledge of CSS. SCSS
Lokacja: Polska,Warszawa
Poziom stanowiska: Junior
- Work experience in gambling/ betting/ dating/ binary options/ Forex as a lead is a plus.
- Understanding of Internet industry, various sources of traffic and online marketing
- Excellent communicative skills
- Knowledge of the markets of CIS, Latin America, Asia – is a plus
- Knowledge of English language – no lower than Intermediate (Spanish/Portuguese or other languages – is a plus)
- Ability to analyze advertising companies by baseline
- Understanding of payment models specificity, types of traffic and parameters of sales funnel alignment
- Work experience in the financial department;
- Experience with payment services providers (PSP);
- Good Excel/Google Sheets skills and analytical abilities
- Problem-solving skills;
- Ability to multitask and meet constant deadlines;
- Experience working with large data volumes.
- At least 1 year of background working with Asterisk:
— Dial-Plan coding;
— SIP/PJSIP configuration; - Knowledge of the SIP, RTP/SRTP, STUN, ICE, and WebRTC protocols;
- Understanding of the SIP protocol, purpose, and sequence of packets, and ability to debug it;
- Experience working with Linux systems (CentOS/Debian);
- Understanding of network features, such as NAT & Firewalls.
- Experience working with large data volumes;
- Multitasking;
- Analytical abilities;
- Work experience in the financial department;
- Work in customer support service;
- Experience with payment systems;
- Good written communication in English, Ukrainian, and Russian;
- Problem-solving skills;
- Desire to learn and grow.
Domain Specialist Domain Specialist
- Good working skills with Google Docs and Microsoft Office (Documents, Sheets);
- Ability to work with large volumes of data;
- Ability to work with Jira and Confluence;
- Have an understanding of what a website domain is and why it is needed;
- Understanding the procedure for ordering and registering domain names for sites;
- Have an understanding of what DNS is and what basic record types exist.
Samsung R&D Institute Poland
Lokacja: Polska,Warszawa
Poziom stanowiska: Junior, Intership
- Willingness to be full stack developer working in SCRUM
- Responsibility for the assigned tasks
- Team player
- Honest and reliable
- Willingness to learn new technologies
- Communication skills
- Knowledge about RISC-V or ARM architecture (data structure, functions)
- Good knowledge of programming in C/C++
- Basic experience with Assembly
- Experience in C# or JavaScript (one of mentioned or both)
- Understanding of JIT, AOT compilation (academic project will be a plus)
- Knowledge of Linux programming
- Good communication in English, both written and spoken
- Ability to read and understand code written by others – mastery is obviously not required
- Working knowledge of GitHub (or similar event-based data source)
- Understanding of the way source code is structured
- Working knowledge of at least one programming language: Python, Java, C++ and willingness to learn other(s) if needed
- Basic understanding of concepts like clean code, static analysis and source code management
- Ability to work with data (with or without supporting tools)
- Good command of English and Polish
- Very good knowledge of MS Office ( Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Detail oriented with strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- Excellent communication skills
- Creative, think outside the box
- Ability to handle numerous projects simultaneously
- Effective organizational and time management skills, including ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines
- Build relationships and work successfully across teams
- Fluent English required
Lokacja: Polska
Poziom stanowiska: Trainee
- Interested in cybersecurity testing, and have some knowledge of Mobile, Web, Network, or Cloud areas
- Familiar with DAST & SAST & IAST
- Aware of OWASP Top 10
- Good at English (Intermediate level) and comfortable in a multicultural environment
Lokacja: Polska,Poznań
Poziom stanowiska: Intership
- Passion about technology
- Eagerness to develop your interests and to use your knowledge in a business environment
- Will to find new ways to improve daily tasks
- Basic Linux skills
- Openness to collaborate with a team, receive feedback and you want to grow using it
- English (min. B2)
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