[NEW] Szukasz pracy w branży tech? Firmy same cię znajdą — wypełnij swój profil
np. Amazon, Warszawa, Startup

P2H is a global software company with Ukrainian roots. Our team provides and supports a wide range of services and products, from mass-market niche solutions to E-government platforms that make 

a significant social impact. P2H unites two big brands in web development: 

GetDevDone and P2H.

GetDevDone's mission is to immediately handle any web development-related request from small and medium agencies at any time.

P2H’s mission is to deliver web portals 

and mobile solutions for digital transformation. The company focused on complex, high-load, easy-scalable web solutions for Government and Enterprise customers.

Pracowników w Polsce
50 - 100
Public services/Government, High Load Systems, E-commerce

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