[NEW] Szukaj pracy anonimowo — sprawdź szczegóły
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Egor Laba
iOS Developer
location-pointer-icon Warszawa
3 lata
Poziom angielskiego

With three years of experience in various companies, my knowledge in the field of information technology has become deeper and more diverse, allowing me to gain valuable experience working on various projects. Each project becomes an opportunity for me to grow and develop professionally. My passion for technology and commitment to continuous development enable me to successfully tackle a wide range of tasks. I am ready to contribute to the achievement of your goals and move forward together towards new achievements.

Alamofire AuthenticationServices AVFoundation Bitbucket CAAnimation Cocoapods CustomView Debugging Firebase Figma GIT GoogleSignInSwift JSON Local Authentication MapKit MVC MVP MVVMC Notifications OOP PhotoKit Pixelperfect RevenueCat Snap Kit SOLID Sourcetree SPM Swift SwiftKeychain SwiftUI (without production experience) Terminal UIKit VIPER Xcode Zeplin

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