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VisiQuate Inc

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VisiQuate Inc

VisiQuate, Inc came into existence in 2009 as a California innovative product house working in the area of business analytics and big data. Our products integrate and simplify complex big data from multiple sources and deliver meaningful insights, prediction pathways, and actionable workflows. We have clients in healthcare, finance, energy, and other industries. Today we have offices in the USA, Ukraine and Poland.

Every day, we cut through the volumes of big data that overwhelm our clients, and let them see the hidden trends, anomalies, and outliers that make their data a valuable asset. We do this by delivering crisp, clean visualizations. So, to describe an advanced set of benefits simply, we sum it up in two words: “You’ll see.” This describes the way we make actionable insights jump off the screen. It also says we’re confident that we can deliver every benefit we promise, and invite you to let us prove it.

Pracowników w Polsce
10 - 50
Fintech/Banking, Big Data, Medtech/Healthcare

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