Hey there! I'm Catalin Dragutescu, a Full Stack Engineer at Railsware. Over the past six years, I've had the opportunity to work with engineering teams of various sizes. I've developed different growth strategies, tackled challenges, and prioritized tasks. I've seen both successes and setbacks. So I'm sure the topic of speeding up the development process interests everyone—from interns to seasoned developers. If you've encountered situations where hiring new developers doesn't increase productivity or large projects take too much time—keep reading. I'll share my own experience, discuss what strategies work and which don't, and talk about the aspects we considered when choosing a path to optimize development. So even if your primary focus isn't backend, you'll find this material useful.
Polska firma CD Projekt rozpoczęła fazę produkcji swojej nowej gry z uniwersum Wiedźmina. Ogłoszenie to pojawiło się w kontekście spadku zysku netto w trzecim kwartale o 61,5%, jak poinformowała firma.