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10 github repos you should be aware of as software architect

10 github repos you should be aware of as software architect

The post was written by Maciej Jedrzejewski.

1. Example of a modular monolith built using domain-driven design and #csharp. It describes the entire process of creation and patterns used in detail. Absolute must-see!

https://github.com/kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd (by Kamil Grzybek)

2. Pacco shows how to design the application based on microservices in #dotnet. It describes domain and the structure of the architecture. It is really helpful if you need to dive into microservices:

https://github.com/devmentors/Pacco (by Piotr Gankiewicz and Dariusz Pawlukiewicz)

3. It shows the evolutionary approach to software architecture. Usually, repos show you one path that is hard to transfer to your project. Evolutionary Architecture repo shows you different steps of the evolution — from a simple app to a complex one:

https://github.com/evolutionary-architecture/evolutionary-architecture-by-example (by @me and Kamil Baczek)

4. There is no better place to find resources related to domain-driven design. Here are extremely helpful templates for Bounded Context Canvas, Domain Charts, Context Mapping, and many more.

https://github.com/ddd-crew (by Nick Tune 🇺🇦 and crew)

5. Best practices for software development using #nodejs. You will find many tips here, like error handling, solution structure, and code patterns. If you are a developer who uses NodeJS, it is a must-see repo:

https://github.com/goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices (by Yoni Goldberg)

6. Long list of software — JS, Kotlin, Node, PHP, Python — and architectural — general, cloud, serverless — design patterns. I am a very frequent visitor there:

https://github.com/DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns (by Dov Amir)

7. One of the most popular solution templates for clean architecture and one of few that can be accepted from the perspective of its structure.

https://github.com/jasontaylordev/CleanArchitecture (by Jason Taylor)

8. System Design concepts that are described in a simple way. You can find topics related to communication protocols, cache, architecture patterns, etc. There are some concepts that I disagree with, but the majority are well described:

https://github.com/ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101 (by Alex Xu)

9. Repositories from Oskar Dudycz. I am not putting here only one repo but his entire account. Lots (LOT!) of knowledge in #eventsourcing, but not only. In my opinion, there is no better guy in this galaxy when coming to the topic of Event Sourcing:


10. Last but not least, a list of solutions to different coding challenges. Coding challenges can be found in the description of the repo (each challenge is described in detail) — a great place to improve your skills:

https://github.com/CodingChallegesFYI/SharedSolutions (by John Crickett )

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