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Questions for the Engineer to Manager x Soft Skills Engineering

Hello everyone!

We've got an exciting event lined up for next week, on December 5, 2023! We're recording a special episode of the Engineer to Manager podcast, featuring the hosts of the Soft Skills Engineering podcast. It's a fantastic opportunity to get answers to professional questions from the industry experts. And if you haven't listened to at least one of these podcasts yet, it is a right about the time 😇

Engineer To Manager: http://youtube.com/@engineer-to-manager

Soft Skills Engineering: https://softskills.audio/episodes/

As you all know, engineering management is not only about technical aspects, but also about management skills, communication, and much more. I want this podcast to be useful and informative for its listeners.

Therefore, I am reaching out to you, our wonderful DOU community, to share your questions that you would like to ask the podcast participants. It can be anything from management approaches to technology implementation, from team culture to strategic planning.

I would appreciate your ideas and questions in the comments!

Thank you!

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