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Android internship from CHI IT Academy

Android internship from CHI IT Academy

Duration: 3 months

How can an Android developer with theoretical knowledge find a job in three months?

During the internship, you will

  • master the recommended theoretical material;
  • get a lot of useful tips and lifehacks from an experienced mentor;
  • create a full-fledged application together with interns from different departments.

You will also have the opportunity to pass a technical review and become a junior specialist at the IT company CHI Software.

What we need from you:

  • meet the requirements for interns described on the website;
  • register for the internship by 20.07 14:00
  • pass the tests (English proficiency test, technical test) by 22.07 14:00
  • complete a test task based on the results of the previous stage;
  • pass a short speaking interview with an English language tutor (5-10 minutes);
  • pass a technical interview (up to 1 hour).

Register by following the

*CHI Software is a software development service provider operating on the global IT market for 16 years. Our company has representatives and development centers in different parts of the world: Spain, Poland, the US, the Republic of Cyprus, Ukraine, and Japan.

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