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Ponad 100 promptów ChatGPT dla programistów

Ponad 100 promptów ChatGPT dla programistów

Jako twórca oprogramowania wiesz, że Twoja praca obejmuje więcej niż tylko opracowywanie pomysłów na projekty. Musisz także analizować dane, projektować systemy, pisać kod oraz testować i debugować oprogramowanie. Jednak zadania te mogą być również trudne i czasochłonne, zwłaszcza jeśli utknąłeś i nie wiesz, od czego zacząć. W tym miejscu z pomocą przychodzi ChatGPT.

ChatGPT może pomóc także w innych aspektach tworzenia oprogramowania, takich jak analiza, projektowanie, kodowanie i testowanie. W tym wpisie dzielimy się listą promptów, które odpowiadają na różne potrzeby programistów. Jeśli chcesz podzielić się swoimi, nie wahaj się, pisz w komentarzach 😉

  1. Suggest improvements for this code snippet:...
  2. What is the most efficient algorithm to solve this problem:...
  3. Help me identify and fix the issue in this code:...
  4. Recommend best practices for refactoring this code:...
  5. Find documentation for this API:...
  6. Which design patterns are suitable for this scenario:...
  7. Provide unit test cases for this function:...
  8. Convert this Python code to Java:...
  9. Suggest ways to optimize the performance of this code:...
  10. Help me design the architecture for this software system:...
  11. Explain the purpose of this function:...
  12. Recommend a suitable library or framework for this task:...
  13. Review this code for potential security vulnerabilities:...
  14. Suggest changes to make this code more readable:...
  15. Explain how to resolve this Git merge conflict:...
  16. Help me design a database schema for this application:...
  17. Recommend a deployment strategy for this application:...
  18. Help me understand this code snippet:...
  19. Find and fix syntax errors in this code:...
  20. Create a regular expression to match this pattern:...
  21. Suggest comments to explain this code snippet:
  22. Review this code for naming convention consistency:...
  23. Suggest ways to break down this function into smaller, more maintainable pieces:...
  24. Propose error handling improvements for this code:...
  25. Help me identify potential memory leaks in this code:...
  26. Recommend resources for practicing coding challenges and interviews.
  27. Explain idiomatic ways to accomplish this task in [programming language]:...
  28. Evaluate this code for technical debt and suggest ways to reduce it:...
  29. Guide me through setting up continuous integration for this project:...
  30. Suggest a load testing strategy for this web application:...
  31. Analyze the time complexity of this algorithm:...
  32. Help me design a responsive UI component for this use case:...
  33. Recommend best practices for setting up automated testing in this project:...
  34. Suggest ways to manage dependencies for this project:...
  35. Identify areas in this codebase that need better test coverage:...
  36. Review this user interface for accessibility compliance and suggest improvements:...
  37. Generate a code snippet to accomplish this task in [programming language]:...
  38. Recommend steps to internationalize this application:...
  39. Help me integrate this third-party API into my project:...
  40. Guide me through setting up a linter for [programming language] in my project:...
  41. Suggest best practices for managing environment variables in this project:...
  42. Recommend the most appropriate data structure for this use case:...
  43. "Help me ensure cross-browser compatibility for this web application:...
  44. Suggest ways to implement multithreading in this code: ...
  45. Provide tips for creating a responsive design for this web application:...
  46. Recommend best practices for organizing the files and folders in this project:...
  47. Suggest a strategy for scaling this application to handle increased traffic:
  48. Help me design an API endpoint for this functionality:...
  49. Guide me through creating a command-line tool for this task:...
  50. Provide advice on transitioning this monolithic application to a microservices architecture:...
  51. Recommend tools for generating documentation from my codebase:...
  52. Suggest best practices for logging errors in this application:...
  53. Guide me through publishing a package for [programming language] to a package registry.
  54. Help me convert this web application into a progressive web app:...
  55. Assist me in creating a migration plan for transitioning from [technology A] to [technology B].
  56. Explain the process of code signing and setting it up for this project:...
  57. "Suggest an approach for implementing feature flags in this application:...
  58. Help me implement keyboard navigation support for this web application:...
  59. Suggest best practices for handling responsive images in this web application:...
  60. Guide me through setting up an automated code review tool for this project:...
  61. Help me integrate an error reporting service into this application:...
  62. Suggest an approach for implementing search functionality in this application:..
  63. Recommend a development environment setup for this project:
  64. "Provide tips for optimizing the performance of this mobile application:...
  65. Guide me through implementing real-time communication in this application:...
  66. Suggest a distributed caching strategy for this application:...
  67. Recommend static code analysis tools for [programming language] and explain their benefits.
  68. Help me set up an A/B testing framework for this web application:...
  69. Recommend tools and techniques for testing web accessibility in this project:...
  70. Guide me through setting up an automated build process for this project:...
  71. Help me implement a dark mode theme for this web application:...
  72. Suggest an approach for implementing a serverless architecturein this application:...
  73. Assist me in setting up a continuous deployment pipeline for this project:...
  74. Recommend tools and best practices for monitoring and alerting in this application:
  75. Guide me through implementing lazy loading in this web application:...
  76. Help me integrate single sign-on (SSO) into this application:...
  77. Suggest a state management strategy for this web application:...
  78. Guide me through containerizing this application with Docker:...
  79. Help me design an intuitive navigation system for this mobile app:...
  80. Analyze the code metrics of this codebase and suggest improvements:...
  81. Assist me in deploying this application to a Kubernetes cluster:...
  82. Recommend a coding style guide and tools to enforce it for [programming language].
  83. Suggest an automated backup strategy for this application’s data:...
  84. Help me set up load balancing for this application:...
  85. Conduct a web performance audit for this website and suggest improvements:...
  86. Recommend an appropriate open-source license for this project:...
  87. Suggest progressive enhancement techniques for this web application:...
  88. Guide me through managing releases for this mobile app on [iOS/Android]:...
  89. Help me integrate Elasticsearch into this project:...
  90. Assist me in setting up a virtual environment for this project:...
  91. Guide me through configuring a CDN for this web application:...
  92. Provide advice on implementing a micro-frontend architecture for this web application:...
  93. Suggest data validation techniques for this form:...
  94. Help me implement rate limiting for this API:...
  95. Guide me through integrating a message queue system in this application:...
  96. Recommend cross-platform app development frameworks for building a mobile app:...
  97. Suggest tools and best practices for automated UI testing in this project:...
  98. Guide me through setting up a custom domain for my web application:...
  99. Recommend best practices for data modelling in this database system:...
  100. Suggest performance optimization techniques for this server-rendered application:...
  101. Help me integrate webhooks into this application:...
  102. Suggest an approach for implementing batch processing in this application:...
  103. Recommend tools and techniques for profiling this application’s performance:...
  104. Guide me through setting up automated image optimization for this web application:...
  105. Suggest a scalable file storage solution for this application:....
  106. Provide a data synchronization strategy for this offline-first application:...
  107. Help me configure CORS for this API:...
  108. Suggest a cache invalidation strategy for this web application:
  109. Recommend best practices for implementing user authentication and authorization in this application:...
  110. Guide me through integrating this third-party SDK into my project:...
  111. Recommend server monitoring tools and best practices for this application’s backend:...

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